Young scouts learn to lead

Cambridge scouts Jasper Cook, Jessica Hill, and Zac Ward know how to lead small teams in adventurous experiences.


The trio of 11-year-olds completed the annual Scouts Aotearoa Sandford Leadership Skills Training Course at Epworth Retreat and Recreation Centre at Horahora this month.


All three are team (or patrol) leaders tasked with leading small teams of 10 to 14-year-old scouts. Senior scouts had vacated the positions as they graduated to the venturer section after the 23rd Aotearoa New Zealand Scout Jamboree at Mystery Creek in the summer.


The course included short theoretical sessions on subjects like the team leaders’ job, training other scouts, teamwork, planning, communication, and team meetings.


Each session was followed by practical sessions.


“I learned lots of acronyms, which was very useful, breaking it down into what to do and what not to do,” Jessica said. “Salada is my favourite, and you got to eat crackers.”


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